
Cluster Uninstallation

This section will show you how to use kubean to uninstall a cluster. In the kubean/example/uninstall directory that you cloned to your local machine, there is a sample template for uninstalling a cluster:

The main configuration files and their purposes in the uninstall directory are as follows:
    ├── ClusterOperation.yml                # Uninstall cluster task

In the following example, we will use a single-node cluster deployed in all-in-one mode to demonstrate the cluster upgrade operation.

Note: Before performing a cluster uninstallation, you must have completed the deployment of a cluster using kubean.

1. Add an uninstallation task

Go to the kubean/examples/uninstall/ directory and edit the template ClusterOperation.yml, replacing the following parameters with your actual parameters:

The template content of kubean/examples/uninstall/ ClusterOperation.yml path is as follows:

apiVersion: kubean.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterOperation
  name: cluster-mini-uninstall-ops
  cluster: cluster-mini
  image: ghcr.m.daocloud.io/kubean-io/spray-job:<TAG> # Please replace <TAG> with the specified version, such as v0.4.9
  actionType: playbook
  action: reset.yml
Important Parameters:

  • spec.cluster: Specifies the name of the cluster to be uninstalled. In the example above, the cluster named cluster-mini is the target for uninstallation.
  • spec.action::: Specifies the Kubespray playbook for uninstallation. Here it is set to reset.yml.

2.Apply the Configuration in the uninstall Directory

After completing the above steps and saving the ClusterOperation.yml file, execute the following command:

$ kubectl apply -f examples/uninstall/

At this point, you have successfully uninstalled a cluster.