
Use Kubean in offline cases


  • For RHEL 8.4 series, the pre-installed fuse package may be uninstalled due to package dependency issues.


  1. Services requiring pre-deployment:

  2. Necessary tools to be installed:

    • A tool for importing image files: skopeo, Required >=1.9.2; podman, Required >= 4.4.4
    • A tool for importing binary files: minio client
  3. Deploy Kubean by Helmkubean

Download offline resources

The Github Releases page allows us to download the offline resources for the version we want.

Basic instructions for offline resources:

├── files.list                                  # List of file contents
├── files-${tag}.tar.gz                         # File compression package, including import scripts
├── images.list                                 # List of image contents
├── images-${tag}.tar.gz                        # File compression package, including import scripts
└── os-pkgs-${linux_distribution}-${tag}.tar.gz # Compressed package of each system, including import script

Importing offline resources into the proper service

Import binary resources

First unzip the files-${tag}.tar.gz file, which contains:

├── import_files.sh       # This script is used to import binary files into the minio file service
└── offline-files.tar.gz  # Compressed package of binary 

Execute the following command to import the binary file into the minio service:

MINIO_USER=${username} MINIO_PASS=${password} ./import_files.sh ${minio_address}
  • minio_address is the minio API Server address, typically on port 9000, e.g.

Import images

It's required to unzip the images-${tag}.tar.gz file, which contains:

├── import_images.sh       # This script is used to import binary files into the minio file service, and can merge multi-platform images
└── offline-images.tar.gz  # Compressed package of image file

Execute the following command to import the image file into the Docker Registry or the Harbor image repository service:

# password-free mode
$ REGISTRY_SCHEME=http REGISTRY_ADDR=${registry_address} ./import_images.sh

# username-password mode
$ REGISTRY_SCHEME=https REGISTRY_ADDR=${registry_address} REGISTRY_USER=${username} REGISTRY_PASS=${password} ./import_images.sh
  • REGISTRY_ADDR is the address of the mirror repository, e.g.
  • REGISTRY_USER and REGISTRY_PASS need to be set when username and password authentication exists for the mirror repository

Import OS packages


  • OS Packages for Centos / Redhat / Kylin / Ubuntu distributions are currently supported.
  • The OS Package of UnionTech V20 series needs to be built manually, see README for the build method.

It's required to unzip the os-pkgs-${linux_distribution}-${tag}.tar.gz file, which contains:

├── import_ospkgs.sh       # This script is used to import os packages to the minio file service
├── os-pkgs-amd64.tar.gz   # os packages for the amd64 architecture
├── os-pkgs-arm64.tar.gz   # os packages for the arm64 architecture
└── os-pkgs.sha256sum.txt  # The sha256sum checksum file for the os packages

Execute the following command to os packages into the minio file service:

MINIO_USER=${username} MINIO_PASS=${password} ./import_ospkgs.sh ${minio_address} os-pkgs-${arch}.tar.gz

Create offline sources

Create ISO image source

The following [Create local ISO image source] and [Create online ISO image source] only need to execute one of them.

Create a local ISO image source

OS Packages are primarily used to resolve docker-ce installation dependencies, but for offline deployments, other packages from the distribution may be used, and a local ISO image source will need to be created.


It's required to download the ISO system distribution image for the host in advance, currently only the ISO image source for the Centos distribution is supported; This operation needs to be performed on each cluster that creates kubernetes nodes.

The script artifacts/gen_repo_conf.sh can be used to mount the ISO image and create the Repo configuration file by executing the following command:

# Basic format
./gen_repo_conf.sh --iso-mode ${linux_distribution} ${iso_image_file}

# Execute the script to create the ISO image source
./gen_repo_conf.sh --iso-mode centos CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-2207-02.iso
# Check ISO image mounts
df -h | grep mnt
/dev/loop0               9.6G  9.6G     0 100% /mnt/centos-iso
# Check ISO image source configuration
cat /etc/yum.repos.d/Kubean-ISO.repo
name=Kubean ISO Repo

Create an online ISO image source

To import the image source from the ISO into the minio server, use the script artifacts/import_iso.sh

MINIO_USER=${username} MINIO_PASS=${password} ./import_iso.sh ${minio_address} Centos-XXXX.ISO

Create the following file for the host /etc/yum.repos.d/centos-iso-online.repo to use the online ISO image source:

name=Kubean ISO Repo Online
  • It's required to replace ${minio_address} with the minio API Server address

Create extras software sources

Currently only supported on Centos distributions

When installing a K8S cluster, it also relies on extras, such as container-selinux, which are not always provided in the ISO image source. This is supplemented by the OS packages offline package, which requires us to create an extra repo configuration file for each node after importing minio.

The Extra Repo can also be created using the script artifacts/gen_repo_conf.sh, by executing the following command:

./gen_repo_conf.sh --url-mode ${linux_distribution} ${repo_base_url}

# Execute the script to create a URL source profile
./gen_repo_conf.sh --url-mode centos ${minio_address}/kubean/centos/\$releasever/os/\$basearch
# View URL source profile
cat /etc/yum.repos.d/Kubean-URL.repo
name=Kubean Extra Repo


If the repo_base_url parameter has a $ symbol, it needs to be escaped \$.

It's required to replace ${minio_address} with the actual minio API Server address.

Create source profiles with ClusterOperation and playbook

Only Centos yum repo additions are currently supported

As the process of creating a source involves all the nodes in the cluster, manual scripting is relatively tedious, so a playbook solution is provided here:

apiVersion: kubean.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterOperation
  name: cluster-ops-01
  cluster: sample
  image: ghcr.io/kubean-io/spray-job:latest
  actionType: playbook
  action: cluster.yml
    - actionType: playbook
      action: ping.yml
    - actionType: playbook
      action: enable-repo.yml  # Before deploying the cluster, run the enable-repo playbook
                               # to create a source configuration for each node with the specified url
      extraArgs: |
        -e "{repo_list: ['\$releasever/os/\$basearch']}"
    - actionType: playbook
      action: disable-firewalld.yml
    - actionType: playbook
      action: cluster-info.yml
    - actionType: playbook
      action: enable-repo.yml  # After deploying the cluster, restore the yum repo configuration for each node.
                               # (Note: This step can be added as appropriate.)
      extraArgs: |
        -e undo=true

Configure cluster before deployment

Offline settings need to be referred to kubespray Located in kubespray/inventory/sample/group_vars/all/offline.yml configuration file:

## Global offline configuration
### Configure the address of the private container image repository service
registry_host: "{{ registry_address }}"

### Configuring the address of the binary file service
files_repo: "{{ minio_address }}/kubean"

### If you are using CentOS / RedHat / AlmaLinux / Fedora, you need to configure the yum source file service address:
yum_repo: "{{ minio_address }}"

### If using Debian, configure:
debian_repo: "{{ minio_address }}"

### If using Ubuntu, configure:
ubuntu_repo: "{{ minio_address }}"

### If containerd uses a non-secure HTTP authentication-free method, it needs to be configured:
  - prefix: "{{ registry_address }}"
      - host: "http://{{ registry_address }}"
        capabilities: ["pull", "resolve"]
        skip_verify: true

### Required if docker uses non-secure HTTP authentication-free methods:
  - {{ registry_address }}

## Kubernetes components
kubeadm_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/dl.k8s.io/release/{{ kubeadm_version }}/bin/linux/{{ image_arch }}/kubeadm"
kubectl_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/dl.k8s.io/release/{{ kube_version }}/bin/linux/{{ image_arch }}/kubectl"
kubelet_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/dl.k8s.io/release/{{ kube_version }}/bin/linux/{{ image_arch }}/kubelet"

## CNI Plugins
cni_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/github.com/containernetworking/plugins/releases/download/{{ cni_version }}/cni-plugins-linux-{{ image_arch }}-{{ cni_version }}.tgz"

## cri-tools
crictl_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cri-tools/releases/download/{{ crictl_version }}/crictl-{{ crictl_version }}-{{ ansible_system | lower }}-{{ image_arch }}.tar.gz"

## [Optional] etcd: only if you **DON'T** use etcd_deployment=host
etcd_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/github.com/etcd-io/etcd/releases/download/{{ etcd_version }}/etcd-{{ etcd_version }}-linux-{{ image_arch }}.tar.gz"

# [Optional] Calico: If using Calico network plugin
calicoctl_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/github.com/projectcalico/calico/releases/download/{{ calico_ctl_version }}/calicoctl-linux-{{ image_arch }}"
calicoctl_alternate_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/github.com/projectcalico/calicoctl/releases/download/{{ calico_ctl_version }}/calicoctl-linux-{{ image_arch }}"
# [Optional] Calico with kdd: If using Calico network plugin with kdd datastore
calico_crds_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/github.com/projectcalico/calico/archive/{{ calico_version }}.tar.gz"

# [Optional] Flannel: If using Falnnel network plugin
flannel_cni_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/kubernetes/flannel/{{ flannel_cni_version }}/flannel-{{ image_arch }}"

# [Optional] helm: only if you set helm_enabled: true
helm_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/get.helm.sh/helm-{{ helm_version }}-linux-{{ image_arch }}.tar.gz"

# [Optional] crun: only if you set crun_enabled: true
crun_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/github.com/containers/crun/releases/download/{{ crun_version }}/crun-{{ crun_version }}-linux-{{ image_arch }}"

# [Optional] kata: only if you set kata_containers_enabled: true
kata_containers_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/github.com/kata-containers/kata-containers/releases/download/{{ kata_containers_version }}/kata-static-{{ kata_containers_version }}-{{ ansible_architecture }}.tar.xz"

# [Optional] cri-dockerd: only if you set container_manager: docker
cri_dockerd_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/github.com/Mirantis/cri-dockerd/releases/download/v{{ cri_dockerd_version }}/cri-dockerd-{{ cri_dockerd_version }}.{{ image_arch }}.tgz"

# [Optional] runc,containerd: only if you set container_runtime: containerd
runc_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/github.com/opencontainers/runc/releases/download/{{ runc_version }}/runc.{{ image_arch }}"
containerd_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/github.com/containerd/containerd/releases/download/v{{ containerd_version }}/containerd-{{ containerd_version }}-linux-{{ image_arch }}.tar.gz"
nerdctl_download_url: "{{ files_repo }}/github.com/containerd/nerdctl/releases/download/v{{ nerdctl_version }}/nerdctl-{{ nerdctl_version }}-{{ ansible_system | lower }}-{{ image_arch }}.tar.gz"

For offline deployment, additional parameters are required for some special operating systems:

OS Additional parameters
RHEL Series rhel_enable_repos: false
Oracle Linux Series use_oracle_public_repo: false

We use examples/install/3.airgap as a template.

Adapt the offline configuration as above to your specific situation, especially if you need to replace <registry_address> and <minio_address>.

Finally add the configuration update to the examples/install/3.airgap/VarsConfCM.yml file.

We also need to change the cluster node IP and username password in examples/install/3.airgap/HostsConfCM.yml.

Finally, the ClusterOperation task is started with kubectl apply -f examples/install/3.airgap to install the k8s cluster.

Generate and use incremental offline packages

For details see Air gap patch usage.