
Generation and use of incremental offline packages

To meet users' needs for components of certain versions, Kubean provides the script artifacts/airgap_patch.py to generate a corresponding version of offline packages based on the configuration file manifest.yml.

Generate an incremental offline package

  1. Create a new manifest.yml file in a folder, with the following example:

      - "amd64"
      - "arm64"
      - "v1.24.6"
      - "v1.24.4"
      - "v3.23.3"
      - "v1.1.1"
      - "1.6.8"
      - "v1.12.1"
      - "v3.5.3"
  2. Create a new data folder in the same folder

  3. Run the following command to generate an incremental offline package in the data folder

    $ docker run \
          -v $(pwd)/data:/data \
          -v $(pwd)/manifest.yml:/manifest.yml \
    Environment Variables Optional Value Description ( is default value)
    ZONE DEFAULT: Download offline resources using the default original address.
    CN: Download offline resources by using DaoCloud mirror address in China.
    MODE INCR: Build only the offline resources for the components specified in the configuration (i.e.: incremental packages)
    FULL: Building offline resources includes the components specified in the configuration along with the components necessary for cluster deployment (i.e.: full packages)

Use the incremental offline package

The directory structure of the incremental package is as follows:

└── airgap_patch
    ├── amd64
    │   ├── files
    │   │   ├── import_files.sh
    │   │   └── offline-files.tar.gz
    │   └── images
    │       ├── import_images.sh
    │       └── offline-images.tar.gz
    ├── arm64
    │   ├── files
    │   │   ├── import_files.sh
    │   │   └── offline-files.tar.gz
    │   └── images
    │       ├── import_images.sh
    │       └── offline-images.tar.gz
    └── localartifactset.cr.yaml
  1. Write file data into MinIO

    $ cd data/airgap_patch/amd64/files
    $ MINIO_USER=${username} MINIO_PASS=${password} ./import_files.sh ${minio_address}

    minio_address is the minio API Server address, typically on port 9000, for example:

  2. Write image data to the docker registry (recommended version 2.6.2) or harbor

    $ cd data/airgap_patch/amd64/images 
    # 1. password-free mode
    $ REGISTRY_SCHEME=http REGISTRY_ADDR=${registry_address} ./import_images.sh
    # 2. Username password mode
    $ REGISTRY_SCHEME=https REGISTRY_ADDR=${registry_address} REGISTRY_USER=${username} REGISTRY_PASS=${password} ./import_images.sh
    • REGISTRY_ADDR is the address of the mirror repository, e.g.
    • REGISTRY_USER and REGISTRY_PASS need to be set when username and password authentication exists for the mirror repository
  3. Write localartifactset.cr.yaml to the k8s cluster

    $ cd data/airgap_patch
    $ kubectl apply -f localartifactset.cr.yaml

    This step is to inform the kubean-operator of the new software version available for offline use.